Clerk of Court
Andi Schimke, Clerk of District Court
Office Email:
Cresta Miller
Deputy Clerk of District Court
Phone: (701) 349-3249, Ext. 4
Dickey County Courthouse
309 N. 2nd Street ⁄ P.O. Box 336
Ellendale, ND 58436
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm ** Closed at noon
Additional Information:
Passport Acceptance Facility
*** for assistance and/or information on passports, click on the "How To" links to the right under “Passport Useful Links”
Passports and/or pictures are by appointment only. Call (701) 349-3249, Ext. 4
Pictures are $20.00 cash
Marriage Licenses
Marriage licenses date back to 1887. To request a certified copy, please send a letter with the following information:
Bride’s maiden name, grooms name, date of marriage, and $10.00.
** When requesting by mail please make checks payable to: Clerk of Court. We do not accept requests over the phone.
- Marriage Licenses and ceremonies are by appointment, contact the Clerk of Courts office.
- Marriage ceremonies are only performed during courthouse hours and the fee is $30.00.
- To obtain a marriage license in North Dakota, both parties must apply together in person at the Clerks of Courts office in the Dickey County Courthouse to complete an application.
- The fee for the marriage license is $65.00. Payment must be made by cash or check. To purchase a certified copy at the same time, the fee is $10.00. For additional copies ordered at the same time it is an additional $5.00.
- In the state of North Dakota there is no waiting period after you apply for the license before the marriage may take place. The license must be used within 60 days and may be used anywhere in North Dakota. If the license is unused, it will be expired, and no refunds are available. If the couple still wishes to get married, they will have to purchase a new marriage license.
- To obtain a marriage license you must be at least 18 years of age. If applicants are under the age of 18, ages 16 and 17only, under North Dakota Century Code you must have the written consent of both parents or legal guardians. The parents or legal guardians must be present at the time of the application. Legal guardians must bring with legal proof of guardianship.
- Both parties must bring photo ID with them (most people would use a state issued driver's license or ID card or passport). Both parties must also know their social security number.
- If either applicant has been previously married that applicant must provide a certified copy of the divorce decree or certified copy of the death certificate which will be kept on file permanently with the application for the marriage license. A certified copy normally will have a special stamp and maybe black, colored, or raised seal somewhere on the document which makes them certified.