Tobacco Prevention Program

The Tobacco Prevention Program offers comprehensive tobacco prevention and control measures in Dickey County in the following areas:

  • Prevent Youth Initiation to Tobacco Use.
  • Promote Cessation.
  • Reduce and Eliminate Secondhand Smoke.
  • Identify High Risk Groups for Use and Difficulty in Quitting.

The Tobacco Prevention Program operates on the best practices model set forth by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This model promotes researched based prevention methods that are proven to be effective and will reach the whole community versus small group or one-to-one interventions. To learn more about ND's Strategic Plan to Reduce Tobacco Use Saving_Lives-Saving_Money

Prevent Youth Initiation

To be effective at reducing youth initiation the focus must be on adults and social norm change rather than be on adolescent tobacco use prevention.  The intent of this social norm change is to create a social and legal environment where tobacco becomes less desirable, less acceptable, and less accessible.  The following is what works in preventing youth from tobacco addiction:

  • Increased tobacco tax visit: Benefits to Increased Tobacco Tax
  • Tobacco Free School Policies, Comprehensive policy that is 24/7 and prohibited tobacco use among students, staff, and visitors.  Comprehensive smoke free law that cover work places and public places.
  • Media campaigns with three consistent themes: the tobacco industry lies, nicotine is addictive, and secondhand smoke kills.
  • Limiting and regulating tobacco products, activities, and influence (by adopting strong retailer licensing laws, requiring all schools to be tobacco free, removing the depiction of smoking in new youth-rated movies
  • Increased cessation services

Promote Cessation

The ND Tobacco Quitline is the primary source to help tobacco users quit effectively.  Quitline services are free and replacement therapy products are available to qualified callers.  The best way to quit tobacco is to use social support and proper medication, the Quitline offers both to callers.  On average 35% of Quitline members are tobacco free after one year compared to 5% of people who are able to quit on their own.  Call the Quitline today at 1-800-784-8669.

Reduce and Eliminate Secondhand Smoke

Millions of Americans, both children and adults, are still exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes and workplaces despite substantial progress in tobacco control in recent years. The health harms can even be more substantial for the nonsmoker being around secondhand smoke.  38,000 people die annually due to secondhand smoke.  Smoke free laws that cover all workplaces reduce heart attack rates for communities by 17% the first year and up to 36% by year three.

To learn more, please visite the resources below:

Related Links - ND Quits web site. - breathe nd web site. - tobacco free kids web site. - North Dakota Department of Health Tobacco website U.S. - Center for Disease Control and Prevention Tobacco Website  - Comprehensive tobacco facts and legal data source   - American's for Nonsmoker's Rights  - Smoking cessation resource - Smoking cessation resource - Spit tobacco cessation resource

For more information on the Tobacco Prevention Program please contact our office at 349-4348

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